For the longest time, I never gave retirement much thought.
I was pretty busy raising a couple of kids and running a small brick and mortar business. I had plenty of fires to put out each and every day, so I was focused more on the “now,” rather than what looked to me at the time, like a galaxy far, far away.
But then, I reached a “certain age,” and suddenly, I could think of little else.
I think that “certain” age is different for everyone, but for me, it was 50. For the first time in my life, I realized that the number of years ahead of me was fewer than the number in my rear view mirror.
Like, if I was very lucky and took really good care of myself, I might have 40 years left.
That was a shock.
But it forced me to focus like never before. What did I really want to do for the next 40 years? My last 40 years. If the first 50 were any indication, my last 40 would blow by before I knew it, so I had to move fast.
What retirement did I really want? What would I do every day? Where would I live? And how would I pay for all of it—the retirement I dreamed of, not one I might be forced to take?
As it turned out, my answers revolved around a theme: taking charge of my future.
I wanted to run the show. I had to make all the money I needed to do everything I wanted to do. And I wanted to call the shots. I needed to decide when, how much, and where to work. I needed a portable job.
No—I needed a portable business.
That’s what led me to writing. Copywriting to be specific. Why? Because my research told me that copywriting pays very well. So, I attended a Copywriters Boot Camp, invested in some courses to learn the trade, and haven’t looked back.
Today, I own my own copywriting company and I work with the clients I choose to work with. I work when I want to work. And, most importantly, I can do the work anywhere on the planet. So, I can indulge in my love of travel, whenever and as often as I want!
That’s me, calling the shots.
But lately, to add to my retirement revenue streams (because really, can you have too many of them?), I’ve been looking at other business options that can run concurrent to my copywriting business.
My favorite one these days, and one that I’m actively pursuing, is using a website to generate income. I was inspired by a site written by someone who absolutely loves coffee. He writes a short blog post a couple of times a month, and uses the site traffic to sell coffee, mugs, coffee makers, grinders, and anything else connected to his passion for making and drinking coffee.
He won’t retire on the income from the site, but now he can count on a certain amount of money each month from something he does very little work for—and he loves doing the work! Now don’t get me wrong. He could retire on income from his site if he wanted to work harder. But it’s his side gig. At least, for now.
I think of this option as a money faucet. Turn the stream up or down. It’s my choice.
Because I ask myself constantly, “Is this all I’m worth?”
I’ve done that all my life. And I always answer, “Hell no!” Before I started my copywriting business, the brick and mortar business limited my choices for increasing my worth. But now, I have options.
And what I choose at my current age, has to be income that flows whether I’m working on it or not. So, I love the idea of a website that prints money for me every month, while I sleep. A website that I also like to work on. A stream that’s as big or as small as I’m willing to make it. Win-win, right?
That’s how I like to call the shots!
What about your retirement?
Has life slowed down enough right now to hit the pause button and give you time to think? Are you doing what you love to do? Do you want to keep doing it for the next, I don’t know, say forty years? Is your income secure? Is it enough?
When you look at your paycheck, do you ask yourself, “Is this all I’m worth?”
If you’re like most people, you like having options. Here’s the option I’m working on right now that you just might enjoy too! CLICK HERE for How To Write Your Own Money-Making Websites.