How can we help you?

That’s what The 3rd Key is “About”. Helping you find the tools and the training that will get you to where you want to be.

You have to bring the belief in yourself and the willingness to do the work. But we all know it takes more than that to be successful.

There are others who have walked the same path before you and they’ve left clues…sometimes even breadcrumbs…to guide you in the right direction. Some of them have written books, created courses, built software and other tools to make your journey light years faster and so much easier.

Finding the ones that fit for you is the 3rd key to success.

Why are we the ones to ask for help with this part? Glad you asked!

What we bring to the table are a lot of years packed with experience. Some of them good and some…not so much.

We have both owned and managed brick and mortar and online businesses. Published newsletters. Managed social media and ad campaigns. Written thousands of pages of web content, blog posts, emails, special reports and white papers. Designed courses. Coached and counseled.

In the process of doing all of that we have invested in more courses, trainings and bootcamps than we would either care to count. We have likely used multiple versions of most of the tools that you will need to build your business.

Not only can we help you choose the ones most suited for what you need to do, we can steer you away from making some of the same mistakes we did.

So, to repeat our original question…

How can we help you?


Karen J Allen

Ann-Marie Giglio

*One more thing…

Will we have affiliate relationships with companies we recommend? Probably, with at least some of them. Not all of them. But we will never recommend anything we don’t believe in. That’s just not how we do business. Never has been…never will be.